
1 Meeting invitation 2 Agenda 26-06-23 3 Minutes 05-06-23 Annual internal audit report to CTCs_Annual_Return_2023_2nd draft Llangoedmor2223IAreport Restated 22-23

1 Meeting invitation 2 Agendas 05-06-23 4 Minutes 15-05-23 7.8 31 March 2022 accounts with e-approval 7.8 Llangoedmor Grant Funding Application Form RAY 7.8. Constitution RAY Ceredigion 19.02.2019 7.8. RAY Play Sessions Parent Booklet (E) 2023 LPFA minutes 15-05-23

1 Meeting Invitation LPFA Minutes 03-03-23 10.2.3 Installation of gates playing field 9 (2) 10.1 Map required for lease of toilet block March 23 7.8 Request for donations -Local Community Counciils 7.8 Llangoedmor-Grant-Funding-Application-Form Cardigan swimming pool 7.8 Constitution Document 2005[24404] 7.8 accounts ye 31.03.2022[24409] 7.2.3 Asset register as at 31-03-23 7.2.1 Financial risk assessment 4 Minutes 06-03-23 2 Agendas 03-04-23

1 Meeting invitation2 Agendas 06-02-234 Minutes 09-01-237.1 Payments Feb 237.2 Bank rec 31-01-23LPFA Minutes 09-01-232 Agendas 09-01-23

4 Minutes 05-12-22

2 Agendas 07-11-224 Minutes 03-10-227.4 Estimated bank rec master 2022-237.4 independent-remuneration-panel-wales-draft-annual-report-2023-20247.4 without confidential 2nd draft budget 23-24 without updated grounds maint7.8 The Finance and Governance Toolkit for Community and Town councils frequently asked questions E7.8 The Finance and Governance Toolkit for Community and Town councils frequently asked questions W7.8 The Finance and Governance Toolkit for Community and Town councils Quick guide E7.8 The Finance and Governance Toolkit for Community and Town councils Quick guide W7.12 Meetings 22-238.4 Hedgehog highwaysLPFA minutes 03-10-22

1 Meeting Invitation 2 Agendas 05-09-22 4 Minutes extra 25-07-22 7 Budget update Aug 22 7 Car park wellers hedley 7 Monthly payments Sept 22 website 7.1 August 22 payments 7.4 scan_mariam.baraki_2022-08-31-12-06-13 Ownership of land 7.5 Annual report 21-22 7.5 Skills Audit August 2022 7.5 Training programme Draft

1 Meeting information2 Agendas 04-07-224 Minutes 07-06-227.7 Annual report 21-229 Noticeboard and benchInternal Audit Report 2022LPFA Minutes 07-06-22

Meeting Invitation Llangoedmor Community Council2 Agendas 07-06-22Minutes Ordinary 16-05-22

1 Meeting Invitation2 Agendas 04-04-224 Minutes 07-03-227.1 E01-22-national-salary-award-2021-227.1.2 Bank Rec Feb 227.3 Asset register as at 31-03-221 Meeting Invitation 2 Agendas 07-03-22 4 Minutes 07-02-21 7.3.1 Financial risk assesment Bank reconciliation March 22 Monthly payments March 22 Planning 1

2 Agendas 10-01-22 4 Minutes 06-12-21 7 Llangoedmor Grant Funding Application Form 7 Memorandum of Association 7 Urdd Saesneg 31-3-20 FINAL – PUBLIC – Signed LPFA minutes 06-12-21

2 Agendas 06-12-21 4 Minutes 01-11-21 5 Planning 1 7.1 Monthly payments Dec 21 7.2 2nd draft budget 22-23 7.2 annual-report IRPW 7.2 Projected bank rec 31-03-21 8.1 Road safety December 2021 9.9 Bench at Llangoedmor LPFA Minutes 01-11-21

1 Llangoedmor Community Council meeting invitation 2 Agendas 01-11-21 4 Minutes extra ordinary 18-10-21 7.1 nov Payments and update on LAS and Danfo payment schedule for 21-22 year 7.2 annual-report IRPW 7.2 Ist draft budget 22-23 7.2 Projected bank rec 31-03-21 9.2.4 Design of play equipment LPFA Minutes 06-10-21

1A Llangoedmor Community Council Covid risk assessment 2 Agendas 04-10-21 4 Minutes 06-09-21  7.2 Budget 21-22 Update for October Meeting 7.4 meeting dates 20218.3 afon-teifi-river-teifi-management-plan8.3 Water quality at Poppit Sept 21LPFA AGM Minutes 5-10-20LPFA Minutes 06-09-21

1 Meeting invitation 6.09.2021 Agendas 06-09-21 Clerk’s report for Sept 21 Estimate_1001_from_TJB_Electricals_Ltd (1) Gates Grass cutting specification for 2022.2023 season LPFA Minutes 05-07-21 Minutes extra 23-08-21 Roadside planters  Agenda extra ordinary August 23 2021 Meeting Invitation Minutes 19-07-21 Planning A210578 Planning A210709

1 Meeting Invitation 19-07-21 2 Agenda 19-07-21 2 Agenda 19-07-21 4 Minutes 05-07-21 5 Planning 1 5 Planning 2 dyw-tylwyth-teg-baw-cwn-ddim-yn-bodoli

1 Llangoedmor Community Council meeting invitation 2 Agendas 05-07-21 4 Minutes extra ordinary meeting 28-06-21 7.1.1 Monthly payments July 21 7.1.3 Bank Reconcilation 29-06-21 7.1.3 Bank Reconcilation 31.05.21 7.1.3 Council Saver Account 9.2.3 Anti dog fouling banners LPFA Minutes 07-06-21

1 Meeting Invitation 2 Agenda extra ordinary June 21 4 Minutes 07-06-21 5.1 bank rec master 2020-21 5.2 Balance sheet restated to reflect budget structure 31.3.21 5.3 Asset register as at 31.03.21 5.4 income 20-21 5.5 purchases 20-21 monthly totals to print 5.6 Ringfenced reserves Llangoedmor Community Council 01.04. 2021 5.7 Budget Comparison 20-21 5.8 Annual Return explanation of variances 20-21 5.9 AGAR 20-21 without internal audit signature 5.10 Trust Funds

1 Meeting Invitation 7-06-21 2 Agendas 07-06-21 3 Advice from OVW re agenda headings via Chairman 4 Minutes 05-05-21 7.1 Monthly payments confidential June 21 7.1 Monthly payments June 21 Bank Reconciliations 7.1.5 Advice from OVW re f2f meetings 7.1.5 CH Cleaning Schedule Groups 7.1.5 CH Coracle Hall Trustee COVID-19 Risk Assessment 7.1.5 CH Hall reopen after 0106 7.1.5 CH risk-assessment-template-2019 HSE 7.1.5 CH risk-assessment-template-community-centres-and-halls-hs-18-aug-20-final (1) 7.1.5 CH Special Conditions of Hire during COVID-19 7.1.8 Welsh Flag 9. 2.4 image4 9.2.4 image5 9.2.8 Installation of gates playing field 9 9.8 Bus shelters LPFA Minutes 05-05-21

1 Meeting Invitation Llangoedmor Community Council 5th May 2021 A2A Agendas 05-05-21 A6 Minutes AM 07.09.2020 Confidential monthly payments May 21 O4 Minutes 07-04-21 O5 Planning O7.1.1 Monthly payments May 21 O7.1.1.2 bank rec master 2020-21 O7.1.3 Asset register as at 31.03.21 O7.1.3 Budget 20-21 O7.1.3 Ringfenced reserves Llangoedmor Community Council 01.04. 2021 P LPFA Minutes 07-4-21 Rebuild d costs toilet block 4.5.21